Navigating the Family Law Process With The Help Of A Divorce Lawyer

Phoenix Divorce Lawyer

When you are considering divorce in Phoenix, Arizona, it is important to seek the counsel of a qualified divorce lawyer to guide you through the process. Divorce is a complex and stressful time, and you need to make sure you have a legal professional on your side to help you navigate the complicated system. If you are facing a separation, you may have questions about spousal support, child custody, and the division of assets. A Phoenix divorce lawyer can walk you through all of these issues and help you find the best possible outcome for your situation.

While you may think that a divorce will not affect your relationship with your spouse, it can change your worldview in ways that you may not be ready to accept. A good Phoenix divorce attorney will help you get through the process and put you back in your place in the most positive manner possible. If you’re looking for one, visit

You can also choose to have your divorce handled by a mediation service, which is a less expensive option. During a divorce, you can work with a neutral trained mediator to reach a settlement. This process is more predictable than going to court. However, it does require that you and your spouse agree on a number of important aspects of the process.

Another option is to have your Phoenix divorce lawyer negotiate with your spouse on your behalf. In this type of settlement, you and your spouse may come to an agreement regarding things such as the division of assets, debts, and parenting time.

When a couple files for divorce, they are required to file in a certain amount of time. This is called the “discovery period.” The purpose of this is to give you the opportunity to share any evidence you have that you believe will be helpful in the process.

In addition to deciding on child custody, the court will decide on other issues as well. For example, it can order that you pay your spouse alimony, which is a form of financial support during the legal divorce. It is usually awarded in cases of long-term marriages where the earnings of the two parties are unequal.

The best way to determine the size of the divorce is to figure out how much property you own and how much debt you owe. You must know how much of your property is considered to be community property and how much is considered to be separate property. Property that is acquired during the marriage, such as a home, is presumed to be community property. Unless the court orders otherwise, you will not be able to transfer or sell any community property without the other party’s consent.

One of the most important things you can do to ensure a favorable divorce is to establish a trust. Having a trust can help you obtain custody of your children. Moreover, establishing a trust can give you access to any household pets.

Other important factors are the division of assets, how much of your debt is shared, and whether or not you will receive spousal support. These factors may vary from case to case.